Lead and Copper Testing
January 23, 2024
Agassiz Water Users District Needs Your Help!
The State of North Dakota is working to get the lead out of the state’s drinking water pipes your water provider needs your help. Most of our water system is hidden from sight, whether it is buried underground or located within the walls of our homes. Knowing the different parts of the water system will be helpful for understanding which pipe you may be asked to test for lead.
Agassiz Water Users District is working with AE2S, an engineering consultant, to determine if there is lead in any of the infrastructure that delivers water to properties. We will soon ask our customers for help identifying whether homes or businesses have lead pipes. It will be a simple test taken along with an online survey. If lead is found within our service area, we will work with the State of North Dakota to access funding to remove and replace the pipes.
Please watch for upcoming announcements mailed to your property. We will need everyone’s assistance to accomplish this important task. Agassiz Water Users District is committed to partnering with our customers to ensure our water is lead-free.
Funding for Agassiz Water Users District’s LCRR assistance is provided through a contractual agreement between the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and AE2S.